Monday, November 23, 2009


Ready for another WICS Movie and Munchies night? I am!

Join us from 6-8 pm on Monday, November 30th when we will be watching a geek's MUST KNOW favorite "War Games." We'll have plenty of good food and some chances to win.

Everyone who brings food (homemade or store bought) will be eligible to win a Free Tack Town Buffet. Those who vote on best munchies will be entered to win a Google Goodie bag. Come get in on your chance for some early holiday loot!

Email me with questions at!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New WICS Phone Number!

WICS now has a new and permanent phone number, thanks to Google Voice! You can call or text (541) 701-WICS ... that's (541) 701-9427 to reach Kiki or whoever's in the WICS office. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

WICS and ACM, the Perfect Combination!

Already planning on being part of the ACM Programming Competition November 7? If you are, you should definitely come check out some Women in Computer Science meetings and meet some of the people who've done it in the past.

Already planning on attending the October 26 Movies and Munchies night for WICS? If so, you should definitely try one of the ACM game nights on Wednesdays at 5 in Deschutes 100. Many of the same people will be in attendance and they also have goodies and fun!

WICS and ACM are not mutually exclusive, in fact, I think they compliment each other nicely. Let's try to pump up attendance of both CIS clubs this year so we can get funding increased and allow for even more entertaining activities!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

WICS isn't Just for Women Anymore!

Yes, WICS is proud of women. We want to encourage more women to enter computer science. We are, however, also proud of men. We'd like to see more men in the program, too. Hey, toss some more young'uns into the mix and you'd have one really happy WICS coordinator!

This year, WICS focus is bringing CIS people of all ages, races and genders together. We're going to mix-it up, quite literally.

Since I'm on the subject of this year in WICS, maybe it's a good time to share some of our plans and intentions. This is also a formal invitation for you to volunteer to help make these happen. WICS is going to be working on several levels this year. First, we're going to be mixing genders on campus for all of our meetings, events and offerings. Secondly, we're going to reach out to different age groups, from grade-school all the way up to retirement homes, mixing generations. Lastly, we're going to bring ourselves out into the community, mixing our tech experience with other departments on campus and fields in the work-force. Let me fill in some details.

I'd like to make clear that even though WICS stands for Women In Computer Science, our support is extended to anyone who also supports women in computer science. That means anyone is welcome to attend our group events as long as they can respect the integration of both genders in the industry. This is not to say that we won't be willing to hold private office hours for women with concerns. We will definitely be making ourselves available for hashing out issues that arise as ideologies and axioms collide. Even so, WICS membership will be open to any gender. In short, cookies for everyone!!

Welcoming all ages is an important part of furthering our goals this year. I firmly believe that if we plant a seed in the minds of the young, it will change the way they think about computers. I also think that if we can help the older generations get comfortable with a few programs, then they will want to learn more. With a big enough volunteer commitment, we can reach every age group inbetween. A few of us will be going to grade schools to show the students how interactive programming can be. Another group will be mentoring high school students and accompanying them to retirement homes where we will show the residents how to write and receive email.

Finally, we're going to start taking field trips. I hope to get us out in groups. Out to movies, local theater, local restaurants, let's show people that we know how to socialize. We'll also try to find ways to help other areas of the university with our mad skillz. Time to wake this place up!

I hope you enjoyed hearing more about what we want to accomplish. Please feel free to send an email or come by to discuss your ideas and ways that you think we can make ourselves useful.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

WICS pics

What, we have a club for women in computer science? Actually, yes! Help me prove it by capturing a group of us together on film. We'll be meeting in the lobby of Deschutes at 10:45 am this Tuesday, September 8.

We'll have pictures taken outside (weather permitting) then come back in for a potluck lunch. Please feel free to either bring your own meal or bring a dish for everyone to share!

You're welcome to wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, or whatever you think expresses you best. You may bring props, if you feel like they project a positive image of women in computer science.

Please note that these images will be used on the WICS site as well as in other types of media for publicity, including Facebook. We hope to have a great turnout. See you there!

Friday, August 28, 2009

JavaScript can make cookies too!

Not that I'm trying to be stereotypical, but it just so happens that we have some women in the UOCIS department that love to bake cookies...myself included! Well, as a happy coincidence there's a way to make cookies with code. Browser cookies aren't nearly as enticing, but they *are* something worth leaning to make, so I thought I'd guide you to a simple recipe.

When it comes to browsers, cookies get a bad rep. There is a common misconception that cookies can be used to infect your computer with viruses or to steal your information. In reality, cookies are just a small text file that indicate to a source that you have already visited a site so that you don't need to be re-verified. They're a client-server version of the Unix "Magic Cookie" (which is said to be how they got their delectable moniker) containing a domain name that the cookie pertains to, a name-value pair and an expiry date.

Okay, now that you know what they are, you may be tempted to make one! The good news is, it's a relatively easy process in JavaScript. Quirksmode has a great tutorial here. Once you create the cookie, you can just treat it as a string to read in the values. It's a simple and handy item to add to your bag of tricks!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Less than 12 hours on facebook and we have 29 friends! We've got followers on Twitter and a brand new website! Now is a really good time to be a supporter of women in computer science!

If you're eager to attend our events, or if you're just curious about what we're up to, your one-stop update source is the WICS website.
You're also welcome to follow us on Twitter (WICSUO), become a friend on Facebook or read our blog.

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to send me an email or drop by my office (Deschutes 254). Together, we can make this the best year for WICS so far!

WICS in the 21st Century!

We've come a long way, baby! It used to be that if women wanted to communicate with their female peers, they would have to dial up Ma Bell and wait for a connection, then decipher through the fuzz what their cohort was saying. Even worse, they would have to actually get out of their comfortable chair and hike down the hall in their not-so-sensible heels to grab a colleague's attention. Well, those days are gone! WICS is now on Twitter, Blogger and Facebook, so now we're coming to you INSTANTLY, whenever you need us, with out fear of blisters or corns!